School supplies have been bought. Lockers have been filled. Books have been covered. Schedules are set. Curiosity stirs. Fears are faced. Friendships formed. Can you feel it?
The truth is "back to school" is an amazing time. A great ritual. And, in many ways, I envy my kids for that. With the perspective and distance of a middle-aged father, I wish I could go back in time and recapture some of those feelings that my kids experience every September. The truth is we need a "back to school" spirit for adults. Wouldn't it be great?
What? You don't think so? How about this? Here are five things that I miss about the Septembers of my childhood.
1) Butterflies
As a kid, do you remember the butterflies you would feel a few days before school? It was scary, but mostly good nerves and excitement.
For kids, nerves can be terrifying, but they are also so exciting, special and energizing every September.
I went to an all-boys high school known for its Jesuits, academics and discipline. I was a skinny, four-eyed freshman in my first gym class one September with about 50 other freshman -- and I had butterflies.
Our gym teacher was a stern, no-nonsense mountain of a man. A marine and All-American who had been a legend at the school for 30 years. He kept everyone in line with a hard stare and sharp one-liners. The first day, he lined us all up across the gym floor and told us to stand at attention. He stood on the balcony near his office, clipboard in hand,and he laid down the law. My butterflies started to move. The nerves and whatever breakfast I ate started to stir in my stomach. I looked around anxiously. I dashed out of line to the nearest garbage can, threw up quickly and ran back to my spot in line without skipping a beat. I was over the butterflies and ready. [The gym teacher had a heart and never said a word. He'd probably seen it a thousand times before :)]
For an adult, butterflies don't have that same fun, exciting edge. Butterflies become ulcers. They might linger, require acute medical attention or years of therapy.
I think about when I have started new jobs. That's sort of like back to school. Same thing, right? While it can bring on some similar nerves, I haven't found those nearly as comforting or exciting as back to school days. And you certainly pray you're not experiencing those "new job" butterflies every September.
2) Shopping sprees
For adults, the "annual" shopping spree gives way to car payments, mortgages and kids' orthodontia. My wardrobe looks pretty much the same as it did ^%*^% years ago (just ask my wife), and my supplies come from my assistant's file cabinet at the office. And, if I am lucky, I am not "growing" out of my uniform every year.
3) Reunions
For kids, every September is a reunion. After a few months off on summer adventures, they come back together to swap stories and bond over whose parents are becoming more annoying.They are so excited to see one another. The girls squeal at each other. The boys wrestle each other. All is well. Sleepovers ensue and the school year drama begins.
As an adult, the reunions are less often, less exciting and more complicated.
At school reunions years later, there are all the awkward moments. "Are you sure we were in the same class as me? I don't remember you at all." ... Calling people by the wrong name for 10 minutes because you were sure he was Jim -- only to find out later that he was always called Mahesh. Your wife who didn't go to school with you rolls her eyes all night and looks at her watch as she hears the story about the big game when some guy nicknamed Smoothy hit the big shot or when Boomer's house got wrecked while his parents were away in Bermuda. The inevitable judgments and comparisons of who has lost more hair, gained more pounds, had more kids, made more money.
Then there's impromptu reunions with friends from school that you try to arrange. You spend months juggling work commitments, kids schedules, and finding babysitters to set up a weekend -- or maybe just a dinner -- to "reunite" with the old crew from high school or college. You're so exhausted by the time the day arrives you can barely keep your eyes open past 10 pm. And, so you drink, eat and talk about the work commitments, kids schedules and the new babysitter.
4) Clean slates
As a kid, every September comes with a clean slate. There are no grades on your report card. You get a fresh start.
This is the year that I am going to get straight A's. This is the year that I will beat out Hillary for student council. This is the year I will get the lead in the school play or show off that new jump shot I spent 2,000 hours working on over the summer. This is the year, my teeth are straight, my skin is clear and my contact lenses are in -- I may have exited that "awkward stage" as my mother would call it and she won't hide the class pictures in a drawer. This is the year, I might have the nerve to ask Amy to the prom.
As an adult, clean slates are a lot harder to come by. Situations, habits, perceptions and grudges change a lot more slowly as we get older. We think New Year's Day can be our clean slate every year, but it never has the same effect as the first day of school.
5) Safety nets
Every September, no matter how the first day went, you could count on a reassuring word, a comforting hug and some delicious ice cream from Mom and Dad. Whether you were devastated by missing the school bus or excited by being elected class representative, your parents were home, wanting to hear every word. They could make everything alright, or so it seemed. You always had a safety net at home.

As an adult, life's safety nets may not always be as sturdy and the problems may have a bit more of a sting.
But somewhere your mother is waiting for that phone call. She has a quart of Breyer's in the freezer in case you come by. And she has a ready ear, a clear solution and hours of stories when the same thing happened to "your Aunt Matilda's son Jim's granddaughter Lucy who lives in Bayonne down near St. Andrew's. You met her at Uncle Jim's funeral when you were six... Do you remember her?"
Ahh, the Septembers of my childhood. To have that "back to school" spirit again.
Great post, Bill. Yes, not enough "First Day Moments" for us anymore. No one takes a picture of me on my first day at a new job....